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Tips for a Successful Photo Shoot

As any professional photographer knows, when the ingredients are just right, a photo shoot can be a magical experience – both for the photographer and for the subject. As any professional photographer also knows, though, there are so many factors that contribute to whether or not a photo shoot goes well that sometimes it can feel impossible to get it right. As with many things, holding a successful photo shoot is largely dependent upon one thing: preparedness. If you prepare, think, and plan ahead, you’ll have a much better chance of hitting the magical photo shoot nail on the head.

So, what types of things should you consider when planning your next photo shoot?

The Weather
Ah, the most unpredictable of all of the elements that weasel their ways into our photo shoots. Weather – especially wet weather – can put a real damper on an otherwise good photo shoot. However, rain doesn’t have to mean the death of the scheduled shoot. If you come prepared, it’s possible to actually turn rain into a positive. Rain images can be incredibly striking when done properly.

However, in order to get your subjects to participate in some rainy day fun, you need to make sure that you’re working to keep them comfortable. That means bringing umbrellas and making sure there’s a place for them to rest out of the rain between shots.

Sometimes, the moment strikes you. You want a shot from above, or you want your subjects to be able to get to a space that is difficult to reach. For anyone who has found themselves in a gorgeous location wishing they could shoot from above, the ‘that’ in the proverbial “Why didn’t I think of that!” is “a ladder”. Keeping a small ladder – even a step stool – in your trunk for shoots is a seriously good idea.

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Say you’re shooting a wedding, and there’s a gorgeous sunset right behind a bench surrounded by flowers. It would be a gorgeous shot. However, there’s dirt on the bench, and the bride isn’t about to get her gown, which cost thousands of dollars, dirty in the middle of the big event. You wouldn’t want to, either! If you plan ahead, you can both get your way. Having clean towels at a photo shoot can prove to be an incredibly useful thing. Put a clean towel down on the bench, and now your bride has somewhere to sit.

Plus – that rainy day shoot we talked about before? A towel can come in handy there, too.

Do Your Part
Did you know that if you wear a super bright shirt to a photo shoot, you might affect the coloring in the photos? This isn’t something that many amateur photographers think about, but what’s behind the camera can indeed affect what’s in front of it. Do your best to make sure that you’re being unobtrusive to the scene that’s being photographed, both in presence and in what you’re wearing.

Know Your Audience
Are there going to be kids at your shoot? Pets? Kids and pets, though the most adorable populations to photograph, can also be the most finicky. Kids get tired, dogs get distracted – there’s really nothing we can do about it. However, if we bring along some dog treats and toys for the kids, we’ll have a leg up on keeping them engaged, happy, and obedient.

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